tvshows helps you to follow your favorite series and discover new formats. You get information about series, single episodes and an insight in your viewing behaviour with the help of statistics. Different from all your data is saved on the device. Be always up to date and tick of all series you watch on Netflix, Amazon and Co.
The following features make tvshows unique:
- Manage your favorite series and mark watched episodes
- Get information about new series
- Receive recommendations about new series
- [Subscription / Tip] As subscriber or with a small tip you’re able to choose between one of three highlight colors
- [Subscription] The Subscription enables access to individual statistics. You get an overview about your subscribed series and watch behaviour. tvshows reveals how many hours you’ve already watched and how many are neccessary to be on track.
Please be aware that tvshows helps you with the management of your series but doesnt stream any content.
If you have any questions or want to provide feedback just write an email to or tweet us @_tvshows_app. We can’t react to any AppStore comments.
Have fun with tvshows